Web Agency Hosting

Web hosting has never been so easy!

Save working days

Convenient, secure and powerful. With expert WordPress support.

Time saved ▶️ Increased margins ▶️ Satisfied customers ▶️ Happy agency

Gérez vos hébergements facilement

Turn yourself into a hosting provider the easy way. Create your new domain hostings, assign limits to your hostings to segment your offers, find your way around quotas and receive alerts when quotas are exceeded.

Revendeurs : donnez un accès complet ou restreint à vos clients pour gérer leurs adresse email, leur zone DNS, les accès FTP, le login à WordPress…

Superior simplicity

Save days with Plesk & WordPress Toolkit.

Managing your WordPress client hosting has never been so efficient.

Superior Security 🔒

Pirates beware!

  • Application firewall enabled by default
  • Daily system updates
  • 20 security rules for WordPress
  • Automatic IP blocking of attackers
  • WordPress security vulnerability alert

Top Bracket

Support attentionné d’un sysadmin spécialisé dans l’hébergement web depuis plus de 10 ans.

  • WordPress expert support
  • 24/7 monitoring and on-call service
  • Daily server backup, 1-year retention

Superior performance

  • Powerful servers
  • Optimization and continuous monitoring
  • Up to 95% of resources recovered, thanks to IP blocking of attacks

And more...

  • Simplified database management
  • Wildcard Let's Encrypt TLS certificates
  • Redis cache in server RAM
  • Unlimited email addresses
  • 100% green energy 🌿
  • Access to web logs

Offers Hosting Web Agency

Now available monthly

Personal Agency

Start your business

8 Hébergements

38€ / month

🌐 Domaines : 8

💾 Storage : 32 GB NVMe

➡️ Sous-domaines : 16

➡️ Bases de données : 16

📧 Adresses email : Illimité

✅ Autonomous addition/removal of domains

✅ Customer account management & Service plans

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➡️ Monthly traffic: 2 TB

➡️ PHP memory_limit : Free

➡️ PHP max_execution_time : Free

➡️ FTP accounts: Unlimited

📧 Max size per box: Free

📧 Max mail per box: 2000 mails/h

✅ Outsourced daily backup

Starter Agency

lrob hosting starer agency

Launch your business

16 Hébergements

77€ / month

🌐 Domaines : 16

💾 Storage : 64 GB NVMe

➡️ Sous-domaines : 32

➡️ Bases de données : 32

📧 Email addresses: Unlimited

✅ Autonomous addition/removal of domains

✅ Customer account management & Service plans

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➡️ Monthly traffic: 4 TB

➡️ PHP memory_limit : Free

➡️ PHP max_execution_time : Free

➡️ FTP accounts: Unlimited

📧 Max size per box: Free

📧 Max mail per box: 2000 mails/h

✅ Outsourced daily backup

Growing Agency

lrob hosting growing agency

Most popular offer

32 hébergements

115€ / month

🌐 Domaines : 32

💾 Storage : 128 GB NVMe

➡️ Sous-domaines : 64

➡️ Bases de données : 64

📧 Adresses email : Illimité

✅ Autonomous addition/removal of domains

✅ Customer account management & Service plans

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➡️ Monthly traffic: 8 TB

➡️ PHP memory_limit : Free

➡️ PHP max_execution_time : Free

➡️ FTP accounts: Unlimited

📧 Max size per box: Free

📧 Max mail per box: 2000 mails/h

✅ Outsourced daily backup

Sailor Agency

lrob hosting sailor agency

Growing business

64 Hébergements

158€ / month

🌐 Domaines : 64

💾 Storage : 256 GB NVMe

➡️ Sous-domaines : 128

➡️ Bases de données : 128

📧 Adresses email : Illimité

✅ Autonomous addition/removal of domains

✅ Customer account management & Service plans

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➡️ Monthly traffic: 16 TB

➡️ PHP memory_limit : Free

➡️ PHP max_execution_time : Free

➡️ FTP accounts: Unlimited

📧 Max size per box: Free

📧 Max mail per box: 2000 mails/h

✅ Outsourced daily backup

Power Agency

lrob hosting power agency

Seasoned agency

128 Hébergements

199€ / month

🌐 Domaines : 128

💾 Storage : 512 GB NVMe

➡️ Sous-domaines : Illimités

➡️ Bases de données : Illimité

📧 Adresses email : Illimité

✅ Autonomous addition/removal of domains

✅ Customer account management & Service plans

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➡️ Monthly traffic: 32 TB

➡️ PHP memory_limit : Free

➡️ PHP max_execution_time : Free

➡️ FTP accounts: Unlimited

📧 Max size per box: Free

📧 Max mail per box: 2000 mails/h

✅ Outsourced daily backup

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WordPress Toolkit: Save hundreds of hours

With the WordPress Toolkit, your efficiency is increased tenfold.

Make x100 of your maintenance capacity 🚀

WordPress Toolkit home screen from Plesk on lrob.fr

Struggling with 1 or 10 sites? Manage 1000! 💪

Plesk's WordPress Toolkit is integrated into our hosting solutions to simplify the management of your WordPress sites. Within a clear, efficient interface, you'll benefit from advanced time-saving features such as one-click installation and connection, automatic updates and centralized management of your themes and plugins for all sites.

Security has never been easier: be alerted to security vulnerabilities in your scripts and apply security measures tailored to WordPress in just a few clicks!

Pourquoi LRob ?

Au delà d’un support attentionné d’un sysadmin spécialisé dans l’hébergement web depuis plus de 10 ans, bénéficiez de la recette magique LRob pour des hébergements au top !

Manage your hosting efficiently

Avec Plesk, gagnez du temps et de l’énergie !
Grâce à une interface claire et complète, chaque réglage est accessible en quelques clics.

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  • Accédez aux logs serveur web très facilement pour debuguer votre site.
  • Manage your FTP access: create as many accesses as you like, and restrict access to a folder if necessary.
  • Create, delete and manage your email addresses: anti-spam filter, aliases, password change, whitelist & blacklist in just a few clicks.
  • Databases: create your MySQL databases and users via a clear, simple interface; export or import your dumps in just a few clicks.
  • Upload, add and edit files directly from the Plesk file manager.
  • Identify the largest folders with the Diskspace Usage Viewer.
  • Activate 301 redirection to HTTPS in three clicks.
  • Password-protect a page in just a few clicks.
  • Manage your DNS zone on the server and get assistance from your LRob hosting provider if necessary.
  • Is your application firewall blocking a real request to your site? Identify and whitelist the security rule on your own.

High performance

All aspects of the servers are designed to deliver maximum performance on top-level server hardware. The result? Performance beyond comprehension.

Temps de réponse avant/après migration chez LRob
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  • Stockage : Serveurs en SSD NVME pour des accès MySQL et fichiers ultra rapides.
  • CPU : Sélection des meilleurs CPU avec la meilleure puissance mono et multi thread.
  • Protection robots : Les robots peuvent constituer jusqu’à 95% du trafic d’un serveur, les attaques sont intelligemment bloquées afin de réduire cette part à moins de 10%. Ainsi les ressources ne sont pas gaspillées et les serveurs restent rapides.
  • Cache : Serveur de caching Redis local.
  • Taux de remplissage : Les serveurs sont sur-dimensionnés pour que le taux moyen d’utilisation n’excède jamais 30% (RAM/CPU) afin de toujours pouvoir absorber les pics de trafic. Sur 2023-2024, le taux moyen était de 10% d’utilisation.
  • PHP: latest version always available for selection.
  • MySQL : Upgrade frequently to the latest stable version of MariaDB.

Optimum safety

Benefit from servers managed with the utmost rigor, exceeding PCIDSS banking standard requirements.

  • SSL/TLS: TLS 1.3, HSTS, OCSP Stapling, DNS CAA, selection of secure ciphers (A+ on SSLLabs).
  • Partitioning of each site within a user system.
  • Automatic daily system updates.
  • Automatic daily update of Plesk.
  • Weekly update of application firewall rules.
  • Complex password policy.
  • Authoritative DNS: Encrypted via DNSSEC and redundant on 4 servers.
  • Sensitive access controlled and filtered by firewall.
  • Block bruteforce attacks.
  • Daily outsourced backup.
  • Possibility of setting up your own outsourced backup.