
Blog / News

TeraGeek Community - Geek Community

The creation of this community, first under the name "La Mesnie" in 2012, then renamed TeraGeek in 2016 is what initially drove me to create websites. The needs of the community have evolved over the years. The forum in particular has disappeared. The site is now mainly used to join the community, receive donations, offer a few services, broadcast tutorials and post a few news items. Of course, "TeraGeek" appears in first research results and the community counts several hundred members.

HaiSoft blog - Web host

Like any web hosting company, HaiSoft needed to communicate with its customers about its services and news from the web sphere. Since social networks don't allow for very advanced content, a blog was necessary. As an employee of HaiSoft, I took charge of creating the site and writing most of the articles over the years. This blog is also a technical showcase, demonstrating what can be done natively with WordPress without any paid plugins, i.e. a simple site, quick to load, resembling the main site, functional and ergonomic.

Corporate showcases

Speed Frenching - Private French lessons in Paris Belleville and at a distance

Valérie launched her website to boost her online business. Name change, Google Maps update. The SEO work showed that competition in the sector is tough, so we aimed to go local, and in particular to go up on Google Maps through the site, and on certain specific keywords.

Vintage Car Location - Wedding car rental

Théo wanted to professionalize his image outside of mariages.net, guaranteeing visibility directly from search engines and ensuring a certain visibility on the Internet to fill his order book. Thanks to a site targeted to its clientele, the vintagecarlocation.fr is in first research results and on the front pages of websites, and the wedding schedule is saturated throughout the summer months.

Douce Heure & Beauté - Home beauty care

Julie needed a way to easily distribute and update her price list. She also wanted to be well referenced on search engines for the city of Orleans. She can update her price list directly or ask her webmaster to update it at any time. With little competition on the Internet in this sector and good SEO practices, her site dheb.fr is usually first or second in search engines when you type "Home beautician Orléans". Thanks to her internet and networking activities, her appointment book is always full.

Madame Quoi - Handcrafted ceramics

Cathy and Lydia wanted a product showcase for their retailers. They also wanted to explain their business, so as to gain the confidence of the professionals they work with. As a result, the weight, dimensions, colors and finishes available are all referenced, and their approach is clearly explained and visible. Thanks to good SEO practices, "Madame Quoi" also appears in first result of a Google search.

Alizé Graphic Designer - Graphic design

Alizé wanted a professional showcase to detail her services. She also wanted to inspire confidence, show off her portfolio, and have her own professional e-mail address. Now she can work with confidence and serenity with her collaborators. "Alizé graphiste" appears in first research result.

Groups / Events

Festival Fleuve - Contemporary music festival

As with any festival, Fleuve needed a hub to bring together all the practical information for the different towns (Tours, Angers, Orléans, Ancenis), in addition to the information disseminated via social networks. From programming and ticket booking to volunteer recruitment and sponsorship, the event website is a central part of the organization. Every year, festivalfleuve.org is updated with new information and receives up to several thousand visitors a day in the immediate vicinity of events.

Spoken Hopes - Music band

To facilitate their concert searches, the band needed a site to introduce themselves and share their technical data. The website spokenhopes.com appears in first research results.

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