The website is written by Robin Labadie.
Robin Labadie is self-employed via a sole proprietorship registered with INSEE.
Registered with the R.C.S. Orléans: 528 479 736
Address: 1, rue Pierre Chevaldonné, 45000 Orléans
For all requests relating to the management of the site, its content or your personal data, please use in priority the contact form. Estimated response time: 24 to 48 hours.
Tel: 0221 827 827
Tel alt : 06 27 37 44 92
Address: 1, rue Pierre Chevaldonné, 45000 Orléans
Email :
Although highly unlikely, if your request has not been answered within 72 working hours, you may contact the web host mentioned below.
The domain is registered via the company HaiSoft by Robin Labadie.
Registrar contact details :
Status : SARL - RCS : 451475651
Publishing address: 7 rue Vieille Levée, 45100 ORLEANS, France
Publication manager: Mr Frédéric VAGNER, Manager
The website is hosted by LRob.
Robin LABADIE - LRob, sole proprietorship.
Registered with the R.C.S. Orléans: 528 479 736
Tel: 0221 827 827
Tel alt : 06 27 37 44 92
Address: 1, rue Pierre Chevaldonné, 45000 Orléans
Email :
Data protection and RGPD
This site does not allow member registration. We do our utmost to avoid calls to external resources and thus protect your privacy with regard to third parties supplying these resources (images, fonts, CSS style sheets, etc.).
Collected data
Contact forms :
In order to get back to you, we collect the data you provide via the site's contact forms:
- Your identity: Surname/First name, company
- Your contact details: Email, telephone
- Your specific needs (check boxes)
- Your personal message
The collection of this data is necessary to respond to your requests concerning this site and the services provided by Robin Labadie.
An anti-robot Captcha module can let the service provider (hCaptcha, a GAFAM-independent system) know that your IP has visited this site.
Statistics & Cookies :
When you visit our site, we may use cookies for statistical and audience measurement purposes, and to improve our site according to the content that interests you.
The following are collected: the website from which you visited us, the URLs of our site that you consulted, the date and duration of your visit, your anonymized IP address, information concerning the device you used (type of device, operating system, screen resolution, language, country in which you are located, and type of web browser). We process this usage data in Matomo Analytics, which is self-hosted on a dedicated server. This data is not resold to any third-party organization. Most importantly, no GAFAM has access to this data.
Server logs :
Server logs record all requests and errors occurring on the web server. They are necessary for server operation and the diagnosis of server-side errors generated by the website. They also provide statistical usage calculated by the Plesk server, enabling the identification of abnormal requests such as DOS (denial of service) attacks.
Retention time
Your data entered in the form will be kept for a maximum of 5 years.
Anonymized statistical data and server logs are kept for a maximum of 3 years.
Your personal data provided on this site will not be distributed or communicated to a third party without your knowledge.
The only cases in which your data may be redistributed are the following:
- You would like to work with one of Robin Labadie's partners and you have given your consent for your details to be passed on.
- A court injunction requires the disclosure of your logs or contact information to the authorities
Data security
Robin Labadie is committed to doing its utmost to guarantee maximum safety.
- Visits and connections to the site are made exclusively via secure SSL/TLS (HTTPS) connections, thus protecting the information exchanged between you and the server from prying eyes on the network.
- Updates, in particular security updates for the server, the site and its modules, are carried out on a daily basis.
- Security vulnerabilities are checked daily
- A site integrity scan is performed daily
- The server is secured by hardware and software firewalls and various IP filtering and anti-bruteforce protections.
Our policy is to send as few emails as possible, and to contact you directly only in the event of a major change. For example, if your subscribed offer had an upcoming change, or if maintenance was planned.
All emails sent as part of a newsletter include a link at the bottom of the email to easily unsubscribe from the list.
Right to be forgotten
You can request the deletion of your personal data at any time by contacting contact mentioned above.
Non-compliance with commitments
If, despite our best efforts, piracy or a breach of contract should occur :
- In the event of a data leak, affected users will be contacted within 72 hours, and services will be suspended until the leak is rectified.
- Any request for compliance will be processed within 72 hours of receipt.
Content redistribution
Audio/video content as well as articles and images (with the exception of open source images) are the property of Robin LABADIE and may not be redistributed on a third-party medium without his explicit agreement.
You can, however, freely redirect to this original content.
Icons credits: