Apart from Webmastering offer in which we provide help with debugging and diagnosing your site. The webmaster is responsible for diagnosing a site's operation. In the event of an error, you need to consult the domain logs, deactivate any plugins or themes linked to the error, check which modification may have caused the malfunction, check the PHP files causing the errors, carry out your CMS updates, manual reinstallation if necessary, and so on.
Using logs
Web server logs (history of requests and errors) are essential to any website administration. They enable you to verify and understand any errors that may have occurred during a site visit or execution.
You can view these logs via the Plesk Control Panel, under the relevant domain in the "Dashboard" tab, then "Logs". It is also possible to filter these logs via the free fields, as well as via the drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner.
Apache status and error codes
Web servers generally display an error code when something goes wrong. These codes can quickly point you to the cause of the problem, but for more details, you should always consult the site's logs to find out more.
Error 500
A 500 error means that your site's PHP code could not be executed correctly. These errors are generally related to webmastering, not hosting.
Most common causes:
- Your code calls a function not present in the PHP version chosen for hosting
- One or more scripts contain code errors
- Your code takes too long to execute and exceeds the max_execution_time (timeout) or is too heavy and exceeds the memory_limit.
RSA certificate
The error type is :
Warning AH01909: RSA certificate configured for domain.tld:443 does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
This simply means that your site does not have a valid certificate to display in HTTPS. To find out more, see TLS encryption.
ModSecurity is an application firewall that blocks dangerous requests made to your site. Some false positives can be observed, particularly with WordPress and the various existing builders that send lengthy requests to save their settings.
The error type is: [client] ModSecurity: [file " /etc/httpd/conf/modsecurity.d/rules/tortix/modsec/50_plesk_basic_asl_rules.conf "] [line "2242"] [id "33340748"] [rev "2"] [msg "Protected by Basic Non-Realtime WAF Rules: Generic Path Recursion denied"] [severity " CRITICAL "] Access denied with code 403 (phase 2). Pattern match [...]
To disable this specific security :
- Note the number in the [id " "] field, here in the example: 33340748
- In Plesk, under your domain, click on "Web Application Firewall".
- In the "Security rule ID" field, enter the number of the rule to be deactivated.
- If you have several rules to insert, enter one rule per line.
- Click on "OK" to confirm