Chimeras of today and tomorrow

It would be unbearable to live if we were incapable of accepting our world as it is, that is, in all its ugliness, which can quickly overtake its beauty.
However, it's not out of the question to dare to dream of a profoundly better world, a world that would be a pleasure to behold.

Here, in a few lines, I dare to try to describe this world, to dream this world. Who knows, by dint of imagining an ideal, perhaps we'll move towards it....

I dream of a world with no injustice, no taboos, no rancor, no one left behind, a world where we try to understand our neighbor's state of mind before criticizing him or her. A world where the desire to help takes precedence over the desire to judge, where the sharing of resources is ingrained. A tolerant, understanding and non-discriminatory world, a respectful world that promotes equal opportunities.

I dream of a world without misery, where everyone has a roof over their heads, can provide for themselves without fear, can look forward to a life of good health and free from suffering, a world where you don't run into the poor every three steps and have to wait less than eight hours for emergency treatment.

I dream of a reasonable world where the survival of the species and happiness take precedence over money, profit and growth, a world where this fucking vehicle doesn't spew black smoke that smells like coolant in your face. A world where we mourn the death of our beloved Earth instead of worshipping its destroyers.

I dream of a truly democratic world, where the people have power and act in the general interest instead of in the interest of a few, a world where altruism is the first virtue required to have the right to enter politics, if this concept is not obsolete by nature.

A world where fulfillment is an absolute goal, a world where everyone asks themselves how they can make tomorrow a better day, a world where knowledge and the sharing of knowledge are seen as an absolute opportunity, if not a duty.

I dream of a world where everyone believes in the facts and not in what they want to believe, a world where we refuse to tell ourselves lies just because it feels good, a world where we look a beautiful and pleasant reality straight in the eye.

I dream of a world where everyone is not resigned to living in mediocrity.

And you, do you dare to dream of a better world, do you dare to try to strive towards a common ideal?


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