I had an internal OVH bug corrected on .fr domains

Recently, I discovered a new problem at OVH: anyone who had registered a .fr domain name with OVH was affected by a new limitation.

Here's the story of a 2-week journey that, for once, ended in success.

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The problem

Technically ▶️ OVH blocked DNS server changes unless all NS present in the destination DNS zone were defined.

In practice ▶️ This prevented flexible and efficient management for hosts like me.

Vulgarization ▶️ OVH thought it was god. 😅😅

The impact was dramatic for French internet freedom... 🥐

What to do about it ❓

I started by opening a ticket at OVH.

Those familiar with OVH won't be surprised to learn that it was a waste of time: after an off-the-cuff response, then a call and a few exchanges, the final answer was that there was no way to override this limitation. 😰😰

OVH even silently closed my ticket after I told them that they were the support that least bothered to solve the real problems I was experiencing. It wasn't a very nice remark, but it was true and was intended to make people react in the direction of solving the problem, not closing the ticket. 😅

My reaction ❓

▶️ First, I transferred my .fr domains to HaiSoft, a trusted registrar with excellent support and Afnic accreditation. Because transferring a domain is very simple.

▶️ Then, as a "small guy", getting a behemoth like OVH to move is no easy task... So I used my brain! 🤯
💡 If OVH doesn't listen to me, it'll probably listen to the authority responsible for .fr domains!

So I contacted Afnic.
And that's where the story begins! 🍿🍿

I was lucky enough to be taken care of by David Chansard, whose commitment is no longer in question. 💪
You can read his post here to find out more about his investment in the French Internet.

So David patiently contacted OVH and kept me informed of the roller-coaster exchanges: one minute the problem was fixed, the next I had to re-open a ticket... His follow-up was exemplary despite these difficulties.

👉 In the end, OVH announced it was correcting the problem last Friday (a strange day for a production launch).

And on Monday, July 1, I was able to confirm this thanks to a test by one of my valued customers Mathieu Cellucci (Labographic) whom I thank, that it was indeed well resolved! 🍾🥂

Conclusion ▶️ When you're small, you can make things happen if you're smart and you meet the right people.

Never give up, you can make things better! 💪

Thanks again to Afnic, David Chansard and Mathieu Cellucci, without whom this would not have been possible. The world is a better place thanks to you.

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