Is freelance web design a job for the hyperactive?

Don't you have to be a little crazy and hyperactive to freelance web? 🤯🤯

No typical week and new challenges all the time! 😱

It seems to me that multi-tasking and constant adaptation can't be for everyone...

What's more, as a freelancer, you add an accounting and sales dimension. And specifically for me, as a web host with one or more specialties centered around security, web hosting, WordPress and email, you have to master an extremely wide range of skills, and you're all the more likely to have to discover new subjects.

Let's take a random week as an example.

Between Monday and Thursday, here are the kinds of tasks I was able to accomplish:

  • Drawing up estimates and invoices
  • Validate and fulfill hosting orders
  • Update servers like every first Monday of the month
  • Monitor an incident causing a 1-hour downtime on a VPS node (secondary DNS server, no noticeable impact on service), and be happy that the monitoring is doing its job properly.
  • Analyzing and correcting WordPress security vulnerabilities, again and again
  • Analyze visitor metrics via Matomo and Google Search Console
  • Preparing a safety collaboration and identifying a few points to watch out for
  • Improve the clarity and reflection of an offer and propose an order via my site
  • Researching an atypical in-house directory project
  • Respond to various requests for additions and improvements to a recently launched project, and discover Swikly and the Channel Managers in the process.
  • Train a trainee to make her first web migration and correct her mistakes, give her a few tips on how to get started, then accompany the customer to make the DNS changes.
  • Help a customer regain lost access to his hosting for migration purposes
  • Learn how to decrypt a PGP-encrypted archive
  • Discover LDAP within Nextcloud and start looking for ways to switch back to native operation without LDAP
  • Discuss Gutenberg and business with a new customer with whom we'll be bartering skills
  • Advise a customer on Android emulation
  • Advise a colleague between AlmaLinux and Debian
  • Updating a Mediawiki and solving related problems

And I'm sure I'm forgetting things...

As I write this for you, I realize how crazy it is. Because this isn't a particularly busy week, it's my daily routine!

And yet, after almost a year of full-time self-employment, I've finally found a balance in all this. If I've always managed to go out, see people, make connections and have romantic relationships, now I'm going back to sport and music with my friends, a sign of a happy and fulfilled life! 😄

It's all thanks to you, our customers, and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your trust. 🤝

Now at the age of 34, I feel like I'm at my most productive! Of course, I do feel tired sometimes, but seeing how much I'm able to accomplish, I tell myself that it's normal to need a bit of a rest from time to time.

Does this sound like you? Do you also think you have to be a bit of a zany to adopt this lifestyle ⁉️

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