
  • Editing - Mixing - Dressing - Mémoires du Futur

    Editing - Mixing - Dressing - Mémoires du Futur

    Over the course of a year, I edited several videos for the APJRC (Association Parcs et Jardins en région Centre-Val de Loire) as part of the Mémoires du Futur project. "Mémoires du Futur" is an audiovisual project developed by the APJRC, which began in September 2010 and aims to draw up a "living" inventory of the state of creation in [...].

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  • Feedback on my training at SAE Institute Paris

    Feedback on my training at SAE Institute Paris

    The SAE Institute, School of Audio Engineering is a multimedia school present in many capitals around the world and known primarily for its sound engineer training. Having completed my Audio Engineer Diploma at SAE Paris, I'd like to share my experience with you, which may be of particular interest to those [...].

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  • Mastering - 4 Spoken Hopes tracks

    Mastering - 4 Spoken Hopes tracks

    Spoken Hopes is an independent alternative rock band, orchestrated by Arthur Belhomme (guitar/vocals), and Manon Laterza (vocals/guitar), recently joined by (in order) myself (drums), and Théo Dufils (bass). Although the 4 tracks I've mastered are only an EP (a very clean one, that said), this article is intended to show how I operate in mastering and to [...]

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  • Short film post-production: Pépite

    Short film post-production: Pépite

    Pépite is a very short film made in late 2013 by sisters Alexandra and Natacha Rougier, aka Scarlett Sisters. As is often the case, the original sound wasn't usable, which made it a very interesting sound effects exercise, since 100% of the sound in this video is post-produced. We went out to record train noises equipped with a [...].

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  • Jazz -Recording/Mixing/Mastering Siks Haedo

    Jazz -Recording/Mixing/Mastering Siks Haedo

    Siks Haedo is a band orchestrated by composer and guitarist Diego Lipnizky, ranging from Jazz to Classical to African music. I was lucky enough to record them at SAE in the studio featuring a Neve VR Legend in 2014. We should have recorded one or two tracks and mixed them [...].

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  • Gamer community - First website

    Gamer community - First website

    UPDATE 2016 - This community is now called TeraGeek community. Born in March 2014, the Mesnie community, which now boasts over 100K unique visitors in the last 10 months, has a rich history that I'm going to tell you about. It's notably thanks to it that I've come to learn Linux systems, create websites [...]

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