Author: Robin Labadie (LRob)
Mastering - 4 Spoken Hopes tracks
Spoken Hopes is an independent alternative rock band, orchestrated by Arthur Belhomme (guitar/vocals), and Manon Laterza (vocals/guitar), recently joined by (in order) myself (drums), and Théo Dufils (bass). Although the 4 tracks I've mastered are only an EP (a very clean one, that said), this article is intended to show how I operate in mastering and to [...]
Short film post-production: Pépite
Pépite is a very short film made in late 2013 by sisters Alexandra and Natacha Rougier, aka Scarlett Sisters. As is often the case, the original sound wasn't usable, which made it a very interesting sound effects exercise, since 100% of the sound in this video is post-produced. We went out to record train noises equipped with a [...].
Jazz -Recording/Mixing/Mastering Siks Haedo
Siks Haedo is a band orchestrated by composer and guitarist Diego Lipnizky, ranging from Jazz to Classical to African music. I was lucky enough to record them at SAE in the studio featuring a Neve VR Legend in 2014. We should have recorded one or two tracks and mixed them [...].
Gamer community - First website
UPDATE 2016 - This community is now called TeraGeek community. Born in March 2014, the Mesnie community, which now boasts over 100K unique visitors in the last 10 months, has a rich history that I'm going to tell you about. It's notably thanks to it that I've come to learn Linux systems, create websites [...]