Author: Robin Labadie (LRob)

  • Interview Realtime Register – CloudFest 2025

    Interview Realtime Register – CloudFest 2025

    LRob pourrait proposer l’enregistrement de noms de domaine en plus de ses fameux hébergements web… et vous aussi ! 🚀 Lors du CloudFest 2025, nous avons eu la chance de rencontrer l’équipe de Realtime Register pour une interview improvisée, pleine d’enseignements. Une belle rencontre au cœur du CloudFest Le CloudFest, comme chaque année, a été […]

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  • Interview CloudLinux OS – CloudFest 2025

    Interview CloudLinux OS – CloudFest 2025

    Georgi, de chez CloudLinux OS a accepté de nous présenter l’écosystème logiciel. Grâce au CloudFest, j’ai appris que CloudLinux est aussi l’éditeur du célèbre système de sécurité pour Linux, j’ai nommé Imunify, que nous utilisons déjà sur les hébergements web LRob. Un partenariat avec KernelCare permet également de bénéficier des mises du noyau système sans […]

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  • Des workstations à watercooling – Alphacool – CloudFest 2025

    Des workstations à watercooling – Alphacool – CloudFest 2025

    Un refroidissement liquide pour votre station de travail professionnelle ? Alphacool dit oui ! Voici ma découverte des nouveautés de la marque allemande au CloudFest 2025. Avec la montée en puissance des applications d’IA, de rendu 3D, de virtualisation ou encore de création audiovisuelle, les PC dits « lourds » nécessitent un système de refroidissement […]

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  • Interview Hetzner – CloudFest 2025

    Interview Hetzner – CloudFest 2025

    Hetzner : L’éco-responsabilité à prix ultra compétitif Faire des économies d’énergie peut permettre d’être compétitif ? Hetzner répond : oui ! Le fournisseur de serveurs a montré un service exemplaire pour héberger les serveurs LRob depuis des années. Et je me devais d’en découvrir davantage sur leur recette magique et de le partager avec vous. […]

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  • CloudFest 2025 – Récap’ by LRob

    CloudFest 2025 – Récap’ by LRob

    Le CloudFest est autant un salon des acteurs du cloud qu’un festival. Il ne manque pas de marquer les mémoires chaque année. Cette année 2025 a une fois de plus été riche en rencontres professionnelles et en sensations fortes ! Entre jeux, montagnes russes, dîners, concerts, et rendez-vous pros avec des partenaires tous plus sympathiques […]

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  • World Data Backup Day 2025 - Web data and collaborative clouds

    World Data Backup Day 2025 - Web data and collaborative clouds

    Combien vous coûterait la perte de vos données d’entreprise ou perso ?Vous ne voulez pas le savoir. Et pourtant, c’est un risque bien réel – qui touche tous les jours des particuliers comme des professionnels, souvent par négligence, oubli ou fausse impression de sécurité. À l’occasion de la Journée mondiale de la sauvegarde (World Backup […]

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  • Domain names: 10 rules for choosing the right one in 2025

    Domain names: 10 rules for choosing the right one in 2025

    Le nom de domaine est requis pour la création de votre site internet et de vos emails personnalisés. Un bon choix de nom de domaine peut être la clé de votre succès et doit donc être pris très au sérieux. LRob proposera prochainement l’enregistrement de noms de domaines. En attendant, nous vous aidons à bien […]

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  • Web host performance in 2025: test of 10 offers

    Web host performance in 2025: test of 10 offers

    How do you choose among the many shared web hosting offers? Follow this guide and test the performance of the best-known hosting providers.

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  • WordPress 6.8 is coming: Release date and new features

    WordPress 6.8 is coming: Release date and new features

    WordPress 6.8 is on its way and promises to refine the user experience, while optimizing performance, design and security. Scheduled for release on April 15, 2025, this new version should delight users. ℹ️ Is your WordPress site slow, receiving too many attacks or do you need help? Power up your WordPress site like never before [...]

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  • Nextcloud 31: What's new in this major update?

    Nextcloud 31: What's new in this major update?

    Nextcloud major version 31.0.0 was released on February 25, 2025. While the official release notes are very short this time, the enhancements are not to be outdone! At LRob, we offer managed Nextcloud instances with updates included, backed up daily, with NVMe SSD storage for maximum performance [...].

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  • Let's Encrypt stops SSL/TLS certificate expiration notifications: Why this is good news

    Let's Encrypt stops SSL/TLS certificate expiration notifications: Why this is good news

    As of June 4, 2025, Let's Encrypt will no longer send you emails to notify you when your SSL/TLS certificates have expired. This change, which may seem surprising, is actually excellent news for system administrators, web hosts and site owners. In this article, we'll look at why this decision [...].

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  • Performance and Security: LRob's strategy for optimal WordPress hosting

    Performance and Security: LRob's strategy for optimal WordPress hosting

    High-performance, secure WordPress hosting, without compromise At LRob, our mission is clear: to offer fast, secure WordPress hosting, minimizing the impact of attacks while optimizing server performance. Unlike standard solutions that simply respond to threats, we go one step further by actively preventing server load [...].

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  • Record attack: 2.8 million IPs compromised: What impact for WordPress hosts?

    Record attack: 2.8 million IPs compromised: What impact for WordPress hosts?

    A new threat of unprecedented scale is rocking the web: 2.8 million compromised network devices are currently being exploited to flood the Internet with malicious requests. At LRob, as a web hosting provider, we've seen a dramatic increase in attacks in recent days. We'll explain how we're effectively blocking them. These attacks are not only [...]

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  • How to choose the fastest web host in 2025?

    How to choose the fastest web host in 2025?

    Is your web hosting too slow? Your web hosting provider's technological and hardware choices have a direct impact on your website's performance. Yet most hosting providers are vague about their infrastructure and actual performance. As a customer, you often don't know what you're paying for. At LRob, we try to keep our [...]

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  • [Video] LRob Interview "Security and Defense Professions

    [Video] LRob Interview "Security and Defense Professions

    As a secure WordPress host, I had the pleasure of appearing on the MERCI BOBBY channel's "Taffer Comment?" show. The concept of the show 📌 To shed light on professional career paths in the security professions.📌 And for my part, to talk cybersecurity in a self-taught way. But also: An enriching and accessible video by Olecio & [...]

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  • PHP 8.4 support at your hosting provider - Available now

    PHP 8.4 support at your hosting provider - Available now

    Your favorite web hosting provider is pleased to announce that PHP 8.4 is now fully supported on your specialized WordPress web hosting. This version brings significant improvements to the language, boosting performance, flexibility and code readability. Here's an overview of the most important new features. Your LRob hosting provider supports [...]

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  • Translate an entire WordPress site at once with TranslatePress

    Translate an entire WordPress site at once with TranslatePress

    As a WordPress hosting specialist and WordPress webmaster, I regularly work on multilingual sites with automatic translation. For this, I generally use TranslatePress Developer edition, with the DeepL API to perform this translation. The problem? Translating everything at once isn't natively possible. So we had to find a solution. Discover this solution and win [...]

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  • A critical flaw in W3 Total Cache

    A critical flaw in W3 Total Cache

    The WordFence teams (a WordPress security plugin) have brought to our attention a security flaw CVE-2024-12365, of criticality CVSS 8.5/10. What is W3 Total Cache? W3 Total Cache is a serious, high-performance and highly customizable caching plugin that we highly recommend. Used by over a million sites, it stands out for its [...]

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