Web Project Management

Want to attract more customers? The Internet is the key.

Are you launching a project and looking to create a website? Would you like to start selling on the Internet with an e-commerce site? Would you like to improve your image, especially online? Would you like to appear higher in search results? Would you like to launch online advertising campaigns? Let's get your web project off the ground - we've got what you're looking for!

Launch your web project, smiling rocket smartphone


Your site needs to attract prospects and convert, which is why I've selected the best web-marketers and SEO experts for you.

Let's define the identity of your company and your target audience, and create the strategy and content that will get your sales off the ground.


Technical problems damage your online credibility.

That's why the right choices are made right from the design stage, and then to ensure the long-term future of your business, I offer you the most reliable, high-performance and secure hosting solutions possible, with the necessary support and maintenance.


Let's build an image that reflects your company.

Your site, along with your overall communication, must sublimate your brand image, which is why I have surrounded myself with the best graphic designers, photographers and videographers to meet all your projects.


Data protection, scalability, eco-responsibility: they're more than compatible, they're complementary!

With a little deontology, your site can contribute to a better Internet.

The unlimited power of freelancers 💪

I select and coordinate the best freelance professionals for your project.

The average employee often does his work out of compulsion. Freelancers choose their life. What's more, you're his or her direct customer, so a well-chosen freelancer will always do his or her utmost for you.

  • A wide choice of professionals to find the perfect match for your project.
  • Real agility and adaptability.
  • The assurance of having motivated, passionate, committed people.
  • Lower costs thanks to reduced charges and contributions.

Support from A to Z, a winning recipe

I've observed this throughout my career: most service providers, including extremely expensive web agencies, often lack any real technical expertise and don't take the long view. The result is poorly designed, unstable, unmaintainable projects that are horrendously expensive to modify, and lacking in security and eco-responsibility.

To do this properly, even before the site is designed, a complete marketing study is carried out, in line with your ambitions, to ensure that your site serves a purpose. Next, we shape the site in accordance with a exemplary deontology Everything has to be meticulously designed for long-term effectiveness. Then, over the long term, we take care of hosting, maintenance, support and site upgrades. And finally, we re-inject marketing in the right place at the right time.

It's all part of the recipe for a successful business. So, when do we start?


Tell me about your project.