New infrastructure: and other server changes

Some of you already know: in October, I'll be leaving HaiSoft for new adventures with a web agency.
I'll still be Sysadmin and a WordPress specialist, but now in the position of hosting manager.

A few months ago, I launched my own freelance webmaster business.
I've decided to accompany it officially with hosting services, to enable fluid management of all services.

And because I'm committed to offering the best possible service, this meant server changes with a infrastructure overhaulmore powerful and advanced than ever.

Over the last fortnight or so, I've been working to overhaul the system with the utmost care and without any noticeable downtime, even working at night for operations that could cause minor outages (notably the DNS overhaul).

New infrastructure domain:

To facilitate management, a new domain name is used for the technical operation of the :

New Plesk URL

Pour ceux qui avaient pour URL de connexion à Plesk
From now on, use :

Your login/password remains unchanged.
I'll redirect old names to the new one for 30 days. Don't forget to update your bookmarks before this deadline.
If you forget your login or password, please follow the forgotten password procedure or come back to me for a manual reset.

New NS (name servers)

NS authorizations for your domain names have also changed.

J’ai pu prendre en charge les changements pour 100% des domaines hébergés actuellement.
Pour info, en cas d’ajout de domaine (revendeurs) il faudra désormais utiliser les serveurs DNS suivants :


Ces NS sont hébergés sur des serveurs situés dans trois localisations géographiques différentes pour une redondance optmisée : Lausanne (suisse), Nice et Nuremberg (allemagne).
They are now 100% IPv6-compatible in addition to IPv4.
They are also DNSSEC-secured (ECDSAP256SHA256, the standard also chosen by CloudFlare) to protect against NS spoofing/poisoning (man in the middle) attacks.

Result: Absolutely perfect. Even better than the web giants (Google, OVH, Microsoft, Facebook, etc.):

New hosting server and technical info

The new server is a major upgrade, and is now a dedicated server (previously virtual server) with unlimited Plesk license (previously 30 domains), making it possible to offer a "reseller" service that gives resellers the freedom to manage the addition/deletion of their domains independently.
This server is located in Falkenstein (Germany) at Hetzner. Bandwidth (gigabit) and ping to France are excellent.
Compared to the previous server, which was already decent, the new one is about 2x more powerful in terms of CPU, has 8x more RAM, 2x more storage, and the NVME SSDs are about 3x faster than the previous SATA SSDs.
The gain in performance is significant.

IPv6 is now fully supported. TLS 1.3 (maximum security) and HTTP/2 (maximum speed) are now natively supported (directly by Apache, without Nginx reverse proxy).
The server and the entire infrastructure are now monitored via Centreon.

Currently, a push backup is in place on a daily basis. A second "Pull" backup is currently being set up. Despite these precautions on the part of yours truly, don't forget to make backups of your data too, because it's almost always when it's too late that users ask. And let me remind you that in hosting, it's always the end customer who is responsible for his data.

This should summarize the important information. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.

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